



PEACE. offers humanitarian and business assistance around the world in an effort to bring new hope to the people, societies, and countries of the world. Our goal is to create a richer and more fulfilling world through communication that transcends race, nationality, language, and religion.

As the data industry flourishes and we embark upon a new era, the importance of information will only grow, making it essential to forge shared understanding from enormous volumes of data, to set goals, and then to move forward through partnership and collaboration.
I’m confident that these democratic processes will lead to the realization of a sustainable society.

In every corner of the world, there remain numerous problems that cry for resolution. That’s precisely why we recognize the importance of an environment conducive to coexistence, and why we’re working so hard to realize such communities. Having embraced this outlook, our goal is to serve as a bridge between countries and to contribute to social peace and economic development.
We continue to evolve as pioneers together with trusted and accomplished partners so that we can contribute to the economic, social, and cultural development of the next generation while respecting one another’s cultures and values.



Reflecting its dedication to providing fair, neutral information and opportunity, PEACE. seeks to make a sustainable and ongoing contribution to the stability of international society and to global economic activity by formulating shared routes of international cooperation and democratically implementing cooperative strategies through global partnerships with governmental agencies and institutes as well as the private sector.




International Non-governmental Organization PEACE.


Khual Lian Kam


20th floor, Marunouchi Trust Tower Main Building
1-8-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005


(+81) 3-5288-5628




Nakazawa Hiroyuki

Khual Lian Kam

S.M. Nazrul Islam (Vice Representative Director)

Gregory Duane Ellis (Vice Representative Director)

Serjbudee Sandagbazar

Litia Nicole Allen

Mutsumi Kato (Chairperson)

R.D. Roni

Prince Samuel

Nanik Anike

Kunio Toma

Kaoru Nakamura

Tadahiro Kajiyama (Chairperson)

Christopher Peter Robert Atkins (Chairperson)

Franz Waldenberger (Chairperson)

Kojiro Mori (Director)

Kinjoh Toru (Director)

Oishi Fujio (Advisor)

