To safeguard users’ personal data collected by its website, People’s Economic Alignment for Common Equity (PEACE) has adopted the following Privacy Policy:

We may collect the following types of personal data during your use of the website:

  • Personal information including your name, email address, phone number, and address
  • Information about the manner in which you use the website

We use the above data for the following purposes:

  • To analyze and assess use of the website
  • To provide services to users of the website and to improve those services
  • To serve advertisements to users of the website

With the exception of the following circumstances, we do not provide users’ personal data to third parties:

  • When the user has given their consent for disclosure
  • When outsourcing certain PEACE operations to outside vendors
  • When disclosure is compelled by law
  • When disclosure is deemed necessary to safeguard human life, limb, or property under circumstances that make it difficult to obtain the user’s consent
  • When disclosure is deemed necessary to facilitate public health or child welfare under circumstances that make it difficult to obtain the user’s consent
  • When disclosure is deemed necessary in the context of cooperating with the execution of legally mandated responsibilities by a national entity, local public entity, or outside vendor under circumstances where obtaining the user’s consent would interfere with the fulfillment of those responsibilities

Users may request that we disclose, correct, or cease use of their personal data. We endeavor to accommodate such requests without delay.

We take such steps as are necessary and appropriate to prevent the unauthorized disclosure, loss, or corruption of the personal data in our possession and to otherwise manage the safety of that data.

This website uses a technology known as cookies. Cookies are small text files saved on users’ computers when they visit websites. We utilize cookies for purposes including analyzing use of the website and serving advertisements to users.

You can block cookies by changing your browser’s settings. However, blocking cookies may render some of the functionality provided by the PEACE website unusable.

We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time. Such changes take effect when the updated Privacy Policy is placed on this website. We will provide advance notice of any changes to the Privacy Policy on the website.

Inquiries concerning this Privacy Policy should be directed to the following email address: